The breath is an imporatnt part of my creative and approach and practice. It hasn’t always been, but three deep breaths has become the way I begin a lot of things. I’ve talked in other posts about how the breath and noticing adn pating attention to it helps us to be present. I’ve also talked about how it can help us feel grounded-which is (for me) a similar feeling.
Breathing with your brush isn’t something I do all the time or even for a whole piece of work. It is soemthing that I do sometimes, as an interesting exercise, as a way to slow down. Rather than trying to explain the process in words, I thought that that it would be easer to see an example, maybe even have a go. This is a video that was originally created for my Patreons.
I hope you enjoyed seeing this process. It doesn’t always look like this and it can be interesting to investigate other breathing patterns. There are lots of ways you can play with this idea aand it is one I return to periodically to pay attention to my breath and to be curious about where it can take me creatively.