Rest and relaxation are often overlooked when it comes to the creative process. But if you want to produce your best work, it’s essential to take the time to rest and recharge. Creativity is a complex process that involves our thoughts, feelings, and physical energy. It requires a level of mental and physical energy that can only be sustained for a certain amount of time.
When we don’t take the time to rest, our creative output can begin to suffer. We can become fatigued, irritable, and unable to focus. This can lead to poor decisions and a lack of inspiration. Rest is essential for our creativity because it allows us to recharge our mental and physical energy. When we give our minds and bodies a break, we can come back to our work with a fresh perspective. We can take a step back and see the bigger picture, allowing us to come up with better ideas and solutions.
Taking a break from our work gives us the opportunity to gain a new perspective on our work. We can look at things from a different angle and gain a new understanding of our work. This can help us to come up with innovative ideas and solutions. I often find how I feel about a painting can change after a break.
I can sometimes miss the first signals of needing rest and I am trying to notice more and listen to what I need
It sometimes seems that the measure of success, a successful day, is measured by how much you achieved. It can be pretty unhealthy, to feel the need to be successful in that way every single day.
I think, for me, it is why I can miss the signals for needing rest, because feeling successful feels good-it’s a dopamine hit-and changing that mindset is going to take time and effort. It is a bit like the journey I have been on with my inner voice and changing how it speaks to me.
I always say noticing is the first step and it is my first step to helping me allow space for rest as part of my creative cycle.